Why Has My AOL Mail Stopped Working On My IPhone?

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Is aol mail not working on iphone? Do not get frustrated or worried because of this issue. We have several methods to fix this particular error. 

Why is AOL mail not working on my iPhone?

The device ‘iPhone’ will be unable to send and receive email while it encounters different issues like losing its connection to the server, having signed in with the old password and another main reason is having incorrect email settings. 

Below are a few of the troubleshooting methods to fix the AOL mail on your iPhone device. 

How to fix the AOL mail issue?

Different methods are there to fix the aol mail problems; follow any one of the methods to have an error-free mail. 

Method 1: Aeroplane mode

Turning on this mode and switching it off can fix most of the glitches that are found in your device. 

But it is advisable to do this method rarely, to get effective results. 

Method 2: Reset the network settings

Step 1: Go to the settings in your device, then tap on the general settings and tap on the reset options. 

Step 2: Then select the network reset options, this will help you to reset network settings in your iPhone. 

Step 3: Next you will have to reconnect your iPhone to the network. Now, the issue aol email not working on iphone will be fixed completely. 

Method 3: Remove your AOL account and then add it

How to remove the account?

Step 1: Go to the settings and then click on the options account and password.

Step 2: Now select the AOL account that you need to remove, this will open the AOL account page. 

Step 3: Tap on the delete account option, this will delete the AOL account.  

How to add an AOL account?

Step 1: Click on the Settings option and then tap on the account and password. 

Step 2: Tap to add an account, then tap the AOL account and enter the credential information. 

Step 3: Click sign in, now we have added the AOL account on your iPhone. The issue found on your device can be fixed with the above-mentioned methods. 

Ityug247 is a famous blogging website where you could gain information about technical troubleshooting tips. Even information is provided on the areas like emails, the internet, and social media. 

recommended: https://ityug247.hpage.com/fix-aol-mail-not-working-with-outlook.html 

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