How to Turn Off Dark Mode on Chrome?

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The Dark mode feature of Google is a very brilliant feature that has allowed the users of Google to use the application at night or in dark. But, there are a lot of people who do not accommodate these changes very well and want to return to the default light mode of the application. Google dark mode is a very simple feature and if you are not interested in applying it then, you can very simply turn off the dark mode of Google.

Steps to Turn off the Dark mode of Google

If you are interested in knowing how to turn off dark mode on Google then, follow the steps that we have given below. Read the instructions carefully and then switch back to the light mode of Google Chrome.

  1. Open the Google website and then launch the Settings section that is there at the bottom of the screen.

  2. In the menu, you will see a Search Settings tan which you need to tap.

  3. In the next menu, you need to tap the ‘Appearance’ section.

  4. You will see the ‘Light theme’ option in the list which you need to click. This action will turn on the light mode of Google and dark mode Google will be turned off. 

  5. Finalize the changes by hitting the ‘Save’ button and dark mode will be disabled on your computer simply.

If you want to know about other Google functions, you can visit the website Ityug247. We hope that you have understood the process completely. 

read also: How to Turn On Chrome Dark Mode: Things You Need To Know

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