In many cases, you are asked to provide your phone number for signing up. Why do different companies ask for your phone number? There may be three reasons behind it – 1. They want to check if you are a robot, 2. Detecting suspicious activities happening with your account (if any) through accessing your contacts, 3. Offering you multiple ways to enable you to easily log in to your account if you happen to forget your password. But, isn’t a phone number a too personal thing to provide to any company? Many people hesitate in it, and hence want free email without a phone number. Read on to know how you can create a Gmail account without using a phone number in the easiest way possible.
How to create an email account without phone verification?
Various companies offer you a free email account, however, they too ask for phone verification. By following below mentioned simple steps, you can get a free email without phone verification.
Open the app or website
Visit the page named “Create your Google account”
Provide your first and the last name
Now create your email
Provide a strong password
Confirm the password
Now, tap on the “next”
Fill in your date of birth
If you wish, you can provide other details such as gender, phone number, and recovery email
Now, click on next
Hit on “Agree with terms and conditions”
Your account will be created
We hope your all queries are answered regarding the creation of a Gmail account whilst preventing yourself from providing your phone number. Nonetheless, are you still facing some difficulties in creating a free email without a phone number or phone verification? You can visit Ityug247 for more information and getting yourself free of providing a phone number during registration for a new Gmail account.